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7 Key privacy aspects to take care of while organizing youth sports events
By  Nithin  -
December 26, 2023

Privacy compliance is the new normal in the sports industry, and how organizations respond to new rules and regulations can make or break their success. A sports organizer’s fundamental duty is to protect stakeholders’ sensitive information. Executing the sporting event without intentionally or unintentionally compromising on the sporting spirit requires a lot of serenity. We have low-down seven key privacy aspects that sports organizers should consider while organizing sports events.

#1 Secure Player’s Identity

The player’s participation with the sports organization should not be made public without their consent. Many players don’t want to show their identity to others in the starting phase of their careers. To make things clear, sports organizers should always get confirmation from the players before deciding to unveil their identity.

#2 Do Not Over Share Details on Social Media

Youth sports organizers should ensure not to share the information they collect from the players, parents, and even officials. For example, you should not share sensitive details like full names, pictures, birth dates, game locations, and parent e-mail addresses. It can have severe consciences, especially for the child. Furthermore, anybody can know their whereabouts, and you can put them at a higher risk by mentioning all the details online. 

#3 Do Not Abuse Website Cookie Data

Their activities on the website and app should be encrypted, and the cookie data should be confidential. In addition, you must prompt users for their consciences before storing any of their activities. Hiring professionals or building your website with sports management software is advisable to tackle the data breach. 

#4 Privacy Agreement with Software Vendors

Implementing software to conduct the registrations, scheduling, and payments is best. But when you implement so many different software and collect players’ details through them, it is pivotal to make a Privacy agreement with them. Otherwise, they can unethically trade the data for illegal online ads, gambling, porn, etc. Therefore, it is advisable to implement secure all-in-one software like sportsplus instead of risking your data privacy with multiple unauthenticated platforms.

#5 Protect Intellectual Property

To conduct sporting events, sports organizers partner with several brands and sponsors. Therefore, sports organizers’ top priority should be protecting their brands’ intellectual properties. They should not allow infringement on brand trademarks and copyrights. In addition, the contracts should be confidential and only disclosed before government organizations if required. 

#6 Train Your Staff On Data Privacy

Most data leak cases are primarily internal and unintentional. The reason behind it is the lack of awareness among the staff on data handling. For example, if a kid is doing well in the game, your staff may shout out on social media with a picture, full name, place, etc., as a well-wisher. But it exposes the kid’s whereabouts and may allow room for some unfortunate incidents. Besides, your staff is handling sensitive information of the players, parents, and officials. Therefore, training them to be responsible in data handling is advisable. 

#7 Delete Online Data If No Longer Required

If you had stored players’ details online in the past, chances are they’ll have a digital footprint even after years. The risk is that once the player’s information is public, it is searchable and available forever. So you should delete that information from your website in case of the player transfer or the player is no longer associated with you. Ask your website administrators to erase the player’s information once it’s no longer required. Besides, do a periodic search to verify that the information is no longer available online.


Organizing a sports event is difficult because privacy and data security constraints are more severe. Therefore, as a youth sports organizer, you should consider ethical, moral, and legal aspects while organizing the sporting event. In addition, build a trustworthy team and implement sport management software to do away with data leaks or privacy violations.

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